Five Star Vein and Wellness Blog

What Causes Vein Pain?

Vein pain is one of those subjects that is at once both simple yet complex. It is simple in that in most cases it is the result of high pressure in the veins, caused by a breakdown in the one-way valves that we all have in the veins in our lower extremities. It is these valves that allow the blood to return to the heart against the force of gravity.
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Board Certified Specialists Provide Better Advanced Vein Care  

Your risk factor for vein diseases goes steadily up through your lifetime. That is because the adverse influence of gravity on the integrity and function of the thin, delicate valves in your veins is cumulative. All of the problems caused by vein disease become more common as patients grow older.
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Understanding The Circulation System [Simplified] or What Happens When The Circulation Is Compromised? Part 2 of 3

In Part 1 of our series on circulation, we discussed the mechanisms by which circulation is possible, in spite of the influence of gravity which attempts to prevent return of blood to the heart when we are in an upright posture. Let’s look at how vein disease affects blood circulation.
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Why Do My Legs Ache, Swell, and Look Ugly?

Varicose veins and other vein conditions don’t always manifest the same symptoms. For example, you and a friend may both suffer from seemingly similar spider veins. Nonetheless, your friend may not experience the same pain that you feel on a regular basis.
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